Prevost Motorhome Expo ready to move into national spotlight

It’s an idea whose time has come: a national motorhome expo devoted exclusively to Prevost motorcoaches for sale.

That’s what the 2018 Prevost Motorhome Expo is shaping up to be. Presented by luxury motorcoach mega-site, the Expo will feature exhibits from Prevost and major convertors and dealers, and have more than 50 new and used Prevost conversions for sale on display.

The show is scheduled for February 7-8 at the South Florida Expo Center in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Both the time and place are significant, says Prevost-Stuff owner Jamie Bradford, who started the Expo in 2013 and remains its primary organizer. After holding four of the first five shows in Tampa during the week before the RV SuperShow, Bradford felt the time had come for the Prevost Expo to get out the SuperShow’s shadow and find a spotlight all its own.

“Just like Prevost coaches are like no other RVs, a Prevost-only show should be vastly different from other RV shows,” he says. “That’s what we’re doing.”

He likens it to the difference between a flea market at the county fairgrounds and a private sale in the lobby of a Ritz Carlton. His focus is on a small but motivated group of serious shoppers who come looking to learn, compare and buy.

They’ll find plenty of luxury motorcoaches for sale to choose from. Virtually every major Prevost convertor is attending, including Liberty Coach, Marathon Coach, Featherlite, Emerald, Millennium and others. Several major dealers will be on hand as well, all with an inventory of late model luxury coaches for sale.

“If you want to really shop for a Prevost – get an idea of everything that’s out there and compare them all, side by side – this is the only place to do it,” Bradford points out. “Last year we had over 50 coaches for sale, and 22 of them were sold. We expect even more this year.”

He has reason to be optimistic. The new date and location allowed Bradford to bolster the Expo agenda and offer RV camping for the first time. The “Prevost VIP Package” includes 4 nights camping with full hookup on 50-amp sites, as well as two days of “pre-show” VIP activities (Monday-Tuesday, February 5-6) that include opening and closing receptions and cookouts.

The Tuesday agenda also features a full day of seminars aimed at educating attendees about the fine points of Prevost ownership. The slate includes presentations from Prevost training and service professionals as well as representatives from Liberty, Marathon, Millennium, Featherlite, and Michelin Tires.

Response to the VIP offering has been overwhelming. As we go to press, all 125 camping sites have been reserved. A waiting list is now forming for cancellations, and non-camping VIP packages are also available. For more info, email Bradford at

“People ask me how many people we had last year and I tell them I really don’t know – I’ve never done a headcount,” he says. “What I can tell them is there will be over 50 of the finest luxury motorcoaches for sale in the nation right here, all in one place. If you’re serious about buying a Prevost, this is the place to be.”

The 2018 Prevost Motorhome Expo will be held February 7-8, 2018 at the South Florida Expo Center, West Palm Beach, FL. For details about the show and accommodations, visit

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